Travelling Overseas – Accessing myGov
There are three ways to sign in to myGov. You always need to enter your password, then you can either:
enter a code that the ATO sends you.
enter a code from myGov Access.
(this is a special App – see below)
answer your secret questions and answers.
If you use a code sent by text message to sign in to myGov, and you are outside Australia, you will need to:
take your registered mobile phone number with you.
be able to receive text messages while outside Australia.
connect to a mobile phone network compatible with your telephone service provider.
If you can't receive text messages overseas, before you travel change your sign in process – see ‘Sign in options’ under ‘Account settings’. You will not be able to access your account if you cannot receive the text message myGov sends you when you sign in.
If you have downloaded and set up the myGov Access app before going overseas, you can use the myGov Access code created to sign in to myGov on a mobile or desktop device.
myGov Access
myGov Access is an app that helps keep your myGov account secure. It creates a code to use when you sign in to your myGov account.
There are two easy steps to set up myGov Access:
download myGov Access from the App Store or Google Play, and
sign in using your myGov details (username, password, code or secret question).